Noel O’ Donnell ~ Telephone: (0044)7596500793.
Celine McKenna ~ Telephone: (0044)7707311358.

The Saint Vincent De Paul Society provides holiday
breaks for individuals and families who are unable
to provide for one out of their own means. Holidays
are offered in Bed and Breakfasts, Holiday Centres,
Day Trips to Dublin Zoo, Fota Park and national monuments
like Newgrange. Young people are taken on camping
and An Oige holidays and some make pilgrimages to
Lourdes, Taize etc. For more details, contact Barbara
on 9385828 or Howard on 9383938 or mobile number 0871443448.
St Vincent de Paul ~ Drung Conference (Members)
President: Howard Clarke
Treasurer: Martin McLaughlin
Secretary: Kathy Donaghy
Patrick McSheffrey:
Brian Lafferty
(Drung Saint Vincent de Paul Telephone Number: 086 4079904)

A lot of work has been accomplished in the area
of Child Protection in the diocese over the past number
of years due to the commitment of personnel at all
levels in the diocese from the Bishop through to dedicated
Parish Representatives working on the ground in all
The Diocese of Derry continues to put in place those
structures, personnel, policies and procedures that
will try to ensure the protection and welfare of children
and young people in a manner consistent with statutory
requirements and Church guidelines. In the light of
the teaching of the Church, Civil Legislation and
Guidance, every part of the Church community must
be committed to taking the necessary steps to:
Demonstrate that her right of
the child to protection from harm is paramount.
Cherish and safeguard children and young people ~
Foster best practice.
Support Church organisations and personnel in safeguarding
Establish safe recruitment and vetting practices ~
aimed at preventing those who pose a risk to children
from holding positions of trust.
Maintain codes of behaviour ~ having clear guidelines
that set out what is and is not acceptable behaviour
as an essential part of keeping children safe.
The Diocese now has a Child Protection Committee,
Diocesan Co-ordinator, two Diocesan Trainers and a
network of Parish Representatives. The trainers deliver
information on “best practice” and raise
awareness of child protection issues; they also provide
support to parishes within the Diocese. In turn the
Parish Representatives will pass on this information
and raise awareness within their local parish communities.
This is done through information evenings that have
been and continue to he held throughout the Diocese.
Notices are displayed in our churches which include
the Diocesan Policy Statement, contact numbers for
statutory authorities for anyone with a concern in
relation to child protection or who wish to make an
allegation as well as the names and contact number
of the diocesan delegates.